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Consultations with civil society of Serbia on UN post-2015 sustainable development goals (8, 16 and 23 October)

Consultations with civil society of Serbia on UN post-2015 sustainable development goals (8, 16 and 23 October)

October 8, 2014 12:00 am | October 23, 2014 02:00 pm

Trg slobode
Novi Sad, Niš, Beograd

Trg slobode, Позоришни трг, Нови Сад

United Nations in Serbia, in cooperation with Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence and SeConS, are implementing national consultations, which will help in defining development priorities in the post-2015 period and become part of UN global report.

As a result of the first phase of this process undertaken in 2013, citizens of Serbia have identified development of culture, strengthening the spirit of responsibility, tolerance and social cohesion. In result, UN have chosen Serbia – along with five other countries – to become one of six countries in the world where the second phase of consultations will take place: focused exclusively on the interplay between culture and development.

As part of the second phase, three workshops with representatives of CSOs will be held:

  • 8 October, Novi Sad – Culture, Gender Equality, Social Inclusion and Reconciliation;
  • 16 October, Niš – Culture, Poverty Reduction and Education;
  • 23 October, Belgrade – Culture, Sustainable Cities, Urbanization and Climate change.
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