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On March 5th, the Green Parliamentary Group (GPG) held a meeting with the Committee on Environment and Emergency Situations of the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities (SCTM) on the topic of waste management. The meeting was held in the Green Salon of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

The meeting began with speeches by representatives of the GPG Secretariat, as well as Djordje Stancic, Secretary General of the SCTM and Predrag Rojevic, President of the Municipality of Vrbas and President of the Committee on Environment and Emergency Situations of the SCTM. After the introductory speeches of the representatives of the SCTM, but also the coordinator of the GPG, Dubravka Filipovski, a lecture by Kristina Cvejanov on the topic “Waste Management in Serbia” followed. Ms. Cvejanov pointed out that the key problem in environmental protection in Serbia is the great lack of human capacity. She stated that in a year, out of a total of 816 cleaned locations of illegal landfills, waste disposal was returned to 746 locations, which indicates the need to change the way of waste management in local self-governments and more rigorous application of the law.

Ms. Jana Pavlovic, Environmental Advisor and Secretary of the SCTM Board, presented to the members of the GPG the program and action plan of the SCTM Environment and Emergency Committee. She referred to the strategic directions of action of the SCTM Environment Committee, the Action Plan of the Committee for 2021, but also possible topics for cooperation between GPG and SCTM. The meeting ended with an open discussion on the topics covered in previous sessions.

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