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At the last session of the Municipal Assembly of Priboj Municipality in 2021, held on December 28, the Development Plan of the Municipality of Priboj for the period from 2022 to 2028 was adopted. The SDGs for All Platform (of which Foundation BFPE is part of) contributed to the Development Plan of Priboj through the work of the environmental pillar in this municipality, ie through the document Contribution to the Development Plan of the Municipality of Priboj in the field of environmental protection.

Since its inception, the Platform has been aiding the efforts of selected municipalities in drafting local development plans, as envisaged by the Law on the Planning System of the Republic of Serbia. The Development Plan is a document of the highest importance for the local self-government unit and aims to establish a vision for the development of local self-government and a roadmap for how to achieve this vision.

In the period from August 2020 to February 2021, the Environmental Pillar, in partnership with the local partner organization Primus, worked on the development of the Contribution to the Development Plan of the Municipality of Priboj in the field of environmental protection. The purpose of this process was to draft a document that would determine the priority goals of the municipality of Priboj in the field of environmental protection, which are in line with the SDGs.

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