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On October 22nd, 2021, the Women Parliamentary Network, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the OSCE Mission to Serbia, and the Foundation BFPE for a Responsible Society, is organizing the first meeting with local government representatives on the implementation of the Law on Gender Equality in Priboj.

The purpose of the visit is to introduce MPs from the Women Parliamentary Network with the capacities, conditions, and obstacles for the implementation of the new Law on Gender Equality faced by local governments, local mechanisms for gender equality, as well as civil society organizations operating at the local level.

Special attention will be paid to the representation of women in decision-making positions in representative and executive bodies of local self-government, the use of tools for gender equality in the work of local government, and mechanisms for gender equality, as well as the level of implementation of gender-based budgeting. Additionally, MPs will be introduced to the work of local council networks in those assemblies of cities and municipalities where such networks have been established.

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