The Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence (BFPE) in the framework of the project “National Convention on the European Union (NKEU) 2018/2019” in cooperation with the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) prepared the analysis of energy within the framework of Belgrade-Pristina technical dialogue.
Within the analysis, primarily analysed were energy policy of Serbia, expected challenges in chapter 15 of the negotiation process, as well as attitude displayed to obligations coming from the Energy Community Treaty. Analysis also takes into consideration an important resource that seemed left out until now, the regime for Lake Gazivode and the Ibar-Lepenac hydrosystem.
The energy policy of each country impacts its economy, market, standard of living of its citizens, public health and the quality of the environment. It is known that Energy Community secretariat has initiated several procedures for non-compliance against Serbia, for it not respecting the obligations accepted under the Treaty. One of them concerns the non-taking of separation measures in the gas sector. Also, in terms of access to the system, there is still no competition. All this leads to an increase of uncertainty in the energy market.
The area of energy was an important item in the negotiations of Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels since 2011 on a technical one, and from 2013 on a high political level, however, the points established by the agreement have not yet been implemented. One of the main problems in the negotiation process, which could not be avoided, is the issue of property. Also, the resources Gazivode and the Ibar-Lepenac hydrosystem are still based on daily political statements in the Serbian and Kosovo public.
The publication, available only in Serbian language, can be downloaded here:
The authors of this analysis are Lidija Radulović from the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence and Sanja Sovrlic, editor of the online portal Black and White World.
Publication of this analysis was supported by the Open Society Fund in Serbia.
(Photo 1: Kosovo A power plant, photo by Ivo Slihavy 2018 for Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
(Photo 2: BG-PR for EPA by Valdrin Xhemaj)
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