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Presentation of the Economic Reform Program to the National Convent

Presentation of the Economic Reform Program to the National Convent

January 22, 2016 09:00 am | January 22, 2016 12:00 pm

Narodna skupština Republike Srbije, mala plenarna sala

Kralja Milana 14, Belgrade

Finance Minister of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Dušan Vujović will present, along with his team on Friday, 22 January in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia to the members of the National Convent on Serbia’s Accession to the EU the draft of the Economic Reform Program (ERP).

Presentation of this document forms part of the public debate and enables comments and suggestions from civil society representatives who are involved in the work of the National Convent, to be introduced in this program document before its adoption by the Government of the Republic of Serbia.

On behalf of the working group 15 – Energy, which is administered by the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence, comments will be presented by Aleksandar Macura, our expert consultant.

Agenda of the presentation is available HERE.

This post is also available in SRP.

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