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Roma in Serbia and Kosovo: a conversation

Roma in Serbia and Kosovo: a conversation

May 14, 2020 05:00 pm | May 14, 2020 06:30 pm

Online event

Beogradski fond za političku izuzetnost, Koste Glavinića, Belgrade, Serbia

Photos: Elephoto-Shutterstock and Wikipedia

On Thursday, 14 May 2020, from 5 pm,

Jelena Reljić, Activist 

Mimoza Gavrani, Roma Integration 2020

Osman Balić, YuRom Centre Niš and

Avni Mustafa, Roma Veritas Kosovo

will be discussing online the position of Roma in Serbia and Kosovo societies. In particular:

  • community life in a pandemic: what is the situation, are there any infected people, what are the problems, how many are they being solved, how does all this affect the socio-economic and social position of the Roma?
  • the position of women and children, is there improvement or not? Young Roma and their perspective? What is the situation with the schools today and in general? Integration? 
  • How is the work of governments and the implementation of strategies being monitored? What are the results of your work? What did you manage to change?
  • The work of MPs and ministers from the Roma community – representatives of citizens at the local and central level? 
  • Is cooperation possible between you – and what kind?
  • how do our guests spend their days in a pandemic, and especially how did they adapt to the easing of the measures.

The webinar starts at 5 pm and will last until 6:30 pm. 

During this panel, we will give to those who would join us online the opportunity to ask questions and/or give their views.

This event is organized by the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence, within the program “Changing Minds: Trust through Innovation”, which deals with the strengthening of mutual understanding and building trust between the two societies, in Serbia and Kosovo, by bringing together people who are less involved in the usual forms of communication.

This post is also available in SRP.

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