Western Balkans Anti-Corruption Forum (Belgrade, 13-17 June)
June 13, 2016 09:30 am | June 17, 2016 02:00 pm
Hotel "88 Rooms"
Belgrade, Serbia
88 Rooms Hotel, Belgrade
School of anti-corruption methods, in cooperation with the European Academy of Diplomacy
In cooperation with the European Academy of Diplomacy (Warsaw, Poland), implementing the program of the Visegrad School of Political Studies, and with the support of the International Visegrad Fund, from 13 to 17 June in Belgrade we are organizing a school of anti-corruption methods, under the title of “Western Balkans Anti-Corruption Forum”.
Our guests and participants will be more than 20 young researchers specializing in the field of anti-corruption, working in government institutions and civil society organizations in all of the Western Balkans societies.
Aside from introductory lectures and presentations (held by: Nemanja Nenadić, Transparency Serbia; Predrag Petrović, Belgrade Centre for Security Policy; Miroslava Milenović, member of the Govt. Anti-Corruption Council; Vladan Joksimović, Anti-Corruption Agency of Serbia; Branko Čečen, Centre for Investigative Journalism; Stevan Dojčinović, portal KRIK; Rade Đurić, Transparency Serbia) our program envisages interactive workshops (Katarina Đokić and Vladimir Erceg, Belgrade Centre for Security Policy; Miodrag Milosavljević, Open Society Foundation-Serbia) and study visits to principal institutions – the Anti-Corruption Agency of Serbia; Commissioner for Access to Information (of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data); Ombudsperson; and Commission for Protection of Competition.
This is the first of two educational events planned by the project; second one will take place in Warsaw later this Fall.
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