Photo and original article credits: Cooperation & Development Institute
The Berlin Process has provided the necessary push for an increased, focused and regionally coordinated approach of non-governmental organizations. Since 2015, specialized CSO-s and think tanks in the WB6 have monitored the implementation,impact and challenges of EU Connectivity Agenda projects, and produced concrete and high-quality proposals on how to improve its governance.
To further increase the impact of such proposals and ensure the transparency and accountability of these projects, through the initiative “Open Letter toward the EU Institutions”, a network of more than 20 specialized WB6 think-tanks and CSO-s are formally requesting to be part of the new EIP governance mechanism, by professionally contributing in the planning and implementation of WB6 infrastructure and representing the WB6 citizens’ interest.
As a joint collective effort prepared in Belgrade, Podgorica, Prishtina, Sarajevo, Skopje and Tirana, the Open Letter asks EU Institutions to create the space and conditions for specialized CSO-s and Think Tanks to contribute into the good governance throughout all the EIP policy-making components and flagship project phases.
The Open Letter can be accessed here.
Note: the letter is accessible and open for signatures for all specialised CSO-s and Think tanks in the WB6, whose work focuses on monitoring of public policies and / or publicly funded infrastructure projects in the WB6 region.
For any further inquiry and interest to join the initiative please contact [email protected]