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YESPC project in its fourth study visit, now to Peje

Fourth and final study visit within the project YESPC was held from 16 to 18 June in Peje, Kosovo. Participants, coming from six cities and municipalities in South Serbia and Kosovo have discussed and learned of experiences in regard to employment – the obstacles (to more people becoming employed), examples of good practice, relations with private sector, role civil society has to play and building structures – partnerships – that would be sustainable.


During the three days of our program, we visited organization Syri i Vizionit (“Oko vizije”) dedicated to promotion of local development in the wider region centered on Peje (Istog, Rahovec, Gorazdevac); one of the biggest private companies in Kosovo ELKOS group, including two of its factories producing paper confectionery and packaging; and small, family owned digital printing business Top Reklama. We also hosted two workshops, first one, deliberating good practices; and the second one, trying to define structures that would enable employment in all of the municipalities mentioned above.

Group composed out of 30 representatives of local self-government, civil society organizations and youth organizations will meet again in Nish, from 15 to 17 September for the second and final seminar planned by the program. In the meantime, during July and August, we will prepare policy brief Promoting youth employment through local partnerships and sustainable networks to be presented in Fall throughout two societies.

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