Program description
We support the main objectives of environmental and energy policy of the EU by 2020, according to the “20:20:20” principle
Events in this program
Yearly, BFPE realizes more than fifty various events: conferences, round tables, panel discussions, consultancy, workshops and simulations.
Analysis and Publications
All our analysis in a single place: analysis; policy proposals; analytical reports from our events.
Program description
In cooperation with German Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, and its Open Regional Fund for South East Europe-Energy Efficiency (ORF EE) and members of Council of Europe’s Network of schools for political studies from the Western Balkan region, the BFPE is implementing the project “Public Dialogue on Sustainable use of Energy in the South East Europe”, a long-term initiative that aims to achieve more responsible and efficient energy policy in Serbia.
This regional project is being implemented since 2011, with the overall objective of supporting the realization of the main goals of the EU environmental and energy policy by 2020, under the phrase „20:20:20 until 2020”, especially in the field of energy efficiency that has the improvement potential with minimum of investments. The aim of establishing a dialogue is creation and improvement of the communication networks at national and regional level, as well as rising awareness on importance of efficient energy policy, and the necessity for sustainable energy management.
Initiative aims to stimulate a quality of public dialogue on sustainable use of energy, through various activities, such as seminars, round tables, panel discussions and public hearings, primarily relaying on increasing the capacity of key public stakeholders and political decision-makers.
Until now, three phases of the project were implemented: during the first phase focus was on work with MPs, the second was focused on work with representatives of the local governments, and focus in the third phase was on work with NGOs. In addition to national activities, so far three regional “Energy.Development.Democracy” conferences were held.
During years of project implementation, various cooperation with stakeholders have been established, as well as with different partners, such as the synergy with STRONG SEE project that further has addressed the climate change issue, and whose work has been supported by the DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt).
Details on project activities in the region are available on the following link: Public Dialogue Initiative.
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