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Implementation of the National Action Plan (NAP) on UNSCR 1325 “Women, Peace and Security” in Serbia (2010-2015) is in its fourth year. There is no clear concert among governmental and non-governmental actors in the process about the timetable of the NAP’s review. There are only different interpretations about the achievements.

All these dilemmas were discussed with the Members of the Women’s Parliamentary Network and the Assembly of the Province of Vojvodina in Kovačica. The seminar was organized by the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence and supported by the Canada Fund. It represents the second activity of the project “Strengthening capacities of the Women’s Parliamentary Network with the special emphasis on gender and security”.

During the seminar, it was agreed that we need to strengthen the NAP’s institutions. It is very important to involve the Province of Vojvodina and its authorities in the implementation phase, particularly at the local level, where all the knowledge and experiences could improve the process.

The role of CSOs is still very important. We need to constitute a more comprehensive front of CSOs and harmonize different interpretations of the UNSCR 1325 in order to facilitate future review of the NAP.

Key recommendations related to the NAP:

  • Implementation of the UNSCR 1325 postulates wider, regional dimension which would facilitate the common Western Balkans agenda by using the best practices;

  • Sexual violence against women should be highlighted in the forthcoming review;

  • The UNSCR 1325 must be translated to practical level and transferred to the local level by using all existing local and regional mechanisms and institutions;

Key recommendations related to the Women’s Parliamentarian Network:

  • 30% of women should be delegated in the Parliamentarian Committees and Permanent Delegations;

  • Newly appointed women MPs need an additional capacity building and mentorship;

  • A wider front of current and former women MPs would strengthen the Women’s Parliamentarian Network;

  • Women’s Parliamentarian Network will assist in the transfer of NAP at the local level by using existing Networks of women councilors.

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